Happy Halloween!
Scientists predict there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050 – And that’s probably the scariest Halloween story…..ever. So what can you individually do to help out with this big problem. Actually a lot…. National Geographic’s Planet or Plastic gives a lot of tips on how you can make an impact today. It starts with the little things. Then eventually, and hopefully the majority will think and act, and then that will lead to corporations changing their production to a better and more sustainable material than this massive amount of single-use plastic that is being used every single day. On this photo ICC - International Coastal Cleanup shows the most common items found in the ocean. They all are single use products......... Article: https://www.ecowatch.com/beach-litter-plastics-ocean-conservancy-2581760475.html The two biggest actions that a lot of people already are doing and that is put a lot of emphasis on are as I mentioned las...