The Effects on Marine Life

In my Introduction post here on my blog I posted some disturbing photographs of marine animals being entangled in plastic waste, or in abandoned fishing nets. For me that is just one thing that goes right in to my heart. I just think of it as the turtle Crush in finding nemo (Flyt in Swedish) but behind the scenes after the movie, when his children are all grown up, and he’s alone and entangled in a fishing net, where he can’t get food or air, and eventually dies.

National Geographic posted a really short video about how it feels to be an ocean animal stuck in a plastic bag...... It's 1,5 minute of your life.

The ocean is huge, and us humans still haven’t explored it all. Yet, there are so much footage of marine life being stuck in plastics, or dead with their stomachs full of it. That just proves that this is a huge problem, for the people that don’t believe it yet, or who just don’t care.

The biggest problem of animals being affected by plastic is usually not by accident, for example swimming in to it and get stuck. The problem is that they believe it’s food. National Geographic posted an article about a new study where they found that a lot of plastics in the ocean smell like food. 
The plastics become covered by algae that smells like actual food for fish, or other marine life, such as turtles, whales, and birds, and they eat it. Since plastic is non-biodegradable (it can not break down) animal life can’t digest it, which creates complications in their bodies that leads to death.

Article - why animals eat the plastic

The newest story in this topic is the sperm whale that was found dead off the coast in Spain with
64 pounds (29 kilos) of plastic waste in its digestive system! If plastic waste in the oceans keeps progressing at this rate, scientists believe there will be more plastic pieces in the ocean than fish by 2050. 
National Geographic Sperm Whale Article

This to me is really scary, and not a future that I want for this earth. The biggest problem is still something we can easily do something about in our everyday life with some effort. That is to reduce single use plastic bags, plastic bottles, and straws. You can do it!

The only positive thing about some of these photos are that the animals are saved from the plastic, but there are plenty of animals that we don't discover that are stuck, or die from eating plastic.

Earlier this year, around 300 turtles died from being entagled in fishing nets outside Mexico, if you didn't see it in the news, you can read about it in this article.


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